True North is lovingly dedicated to adult survivors of childhood abuse and neglect. Healing childhood wounding is possible as an adult in ways we could not access as children. As an adult, we can see the bigger picture of what we survived, how we survived, and how we were hurt. Psychotherapy can facilitate the healing of those parts of us still stuck in the traumatic circumstances of the past. Additionally, healing from childhood wounding is always about healing generational trauma. As we heal ourselves, we also heal the past, the present and the future.
True North is committed to the safety, care and integrity of
All Walks of Life
Complex PTSD, Disassociation Disorders, Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome, Overt/Covert/Emotional Incest, Childhood Neglect, Childhood Abuse, Childhood Sexual Abuse, Disordered Eating, Substance and Process Addictions,
Suicidal Ideation, Self Harm, Anger Management, Relationship Issues
Somatic Psychotherapy
Soma is Latin for "the body." Somatic psychotherapy includes developing mindfulness of sensations in the body that precede thoughts and actions. This mindfulness skill becomes essential for processing traumatic experiences that cause emotional dysregulation and often lead to behaviors that are self-sabatoging. By learning somatic mindfulness skills, we build a strong and secure attachment to ourselves, while "clearing" trauma from the body/mind/soul.
EMDR (Eye Movement Rapid Desensitization)
EMDR is an intervention that uses bi-lateral stimulation to help the brain and the nervous system access those parts of the psyche that got stuck in traumatic experiences of the past. This is what we experience as "triggers" in current life. EMDR helps to "deactivate" those triggers, bring resolution to the past, and free us to live more fully in the present moment, with a much greater sense of peace and self-esteem.
Psychodynamic Attachment Theory
Psychodynamic attachment theory is extremely helpful for understanding what we need as children to grow into healthy adults. When we do not have those needs met in childhood, we are vulnerable to prolonged and complicated forms of post traumatic stress. Psychodynamic attachment theory gives us that adult "big picture" and shows us the way towards healing and creating safe and secure relationships in the present with our self, with our environments, and with one another.
I graduated from John F Kennedy University in 2011 with a master's degrees in counseling with an emphasis in somatic psychotherapy. I have been actively engaged in the study and practice of healing arts for over 20 years. In addition to my master’s degree in somatic psychotherapy, I have also formally studied and trained in Zen buddhist meditation, Forrest yoga, Reiki, and Indiginous North American sweat lodge ceremony.
My personal journey began with yoga in 1997. Yoga helped me connect to my breath and to my body, and some very interesting things unfolded from there.
By connecting with my body through yoga, I was able to experience mindfulness, grounding, containment and resourcing. These are all skills that make healing from childhood trauma possible. Additionally, experiencing body work, energy work and participating in sacred ceremony gave my inner world a chance to re-awaken and revive.
Psychotherapy for childhood trauma is best augmented with other forms of health and healing of the mind, body and soul. Good nutrition, mindfulness practices, body work, sacred ceremony and time in nature are just a few examples of healthy lifestyle practices that support the transformation that can take place in psychotherapy.
Honesty with ourselves and with others is also essential for healing.
After a decade of yoga, journaling, body work, psychotherapy and sacred ceremony, I found my way to earning my masters degrees in counseling with an emphasis in somatic interventions for healing from trauma and abuse. It is my life's purpose to share what I have learned and experienced with others on a healing path. A truly encouraging aspect of our individual healing is that as each individual heals, so too does our world. Healing generational wounding makes way for a brighter future for everyone.
Lora Blazina, LPCC
Somatic Psychotherapist